The True Underwing Moths (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Erebinae) of Papua Indonesia
by Rob de Vos & Alberto Zilli
Note: Just recently the large family Noctuidae has been revised by DNA analysis at higher taxonomic level (Zahiri et al, 2010; 2011) which resulted in a new arrangement of the traditional subfamilies within Noctuidae, Erebidae, Euteliidae and Nolidae. Former families as Lymantriidae and Arctiidae are now placed as subfamilies in the Erebidae! Although the DNA research at these taxa has not reached the end yet it has become clear that the new classification shows a more correct arrangement than the traditional one does. We follow the latest results.
This page is under constant construction. This means that at any time new species can be added. Please check this page now and then for more information. Only already treated tribus are listed.
The Erebinae are in Papua represented by the following tribus and species groups:
Acantholipini (1) - Amphigoniini (1) - Audeini (1) - Avitta group (8) - Catephiini (3) - Catocalini (3) - Cocytiini (27) - Ercheiini (8) - Erebini (4)- Euclidiini - Hulodini - Hypopyrini - Ommatophorini - Ophiusini - Pandesmini - Pericymini - Phytometrini - Poaphilini - Sypnini
Hypospila Guenée, 1852
bolinoides Guenée, 1852
signipalpis (Walker, 1858)
thermesina Guenée, 1863
concisa (Walker, 1865)
orientalis (Leech, 1900)
andamana Swinhoe, 1919Amphigonia Guenée, 1852
kobesi Zilli & Hogenes, 2003
Audea Walker, [1858]
irioleuca (Meyrick, 1897)
Asta Walker, 1864
completa (Rothschild, 1915)Avitta Walker, 1858
alternans Warren, 1903
babooni (Bethune-Baker, 1906)discipuncta (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874)
pastea Hampson, 1902
dinawa (Bethune-Baker, 1906) [PNG]polyscia (Joicey & Talbot, 1917)
Pantura Moore, [1885]
ophiusalis (Walker, 1858)
lunifera (Druce, 1888)
fluviatilis (Lucas, 1901)rufifrons (Moore, 1887)
Undatavitta Holloway, 2005
aroa (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
Catephia Ochsenheimer, 1816
linteola Guenée, 1852
pilipes Guenée, 1852
syba Guenée, 1852
ecclesiastica Butler, 1874
leucocelis (Mabille, 1879)
ssp. proselytis Hampson, 1926
episcopalis Hampson, 1926
accolytis (Hampson, 1926)
hieratica (Hampson, 1926)
monastica (Hampson, 1926)
magaruna (De Joannis, 1932)
homotima (Tams, 1935)
griveaudi (Viette, 1968)Paranagia Hampson, 1926
rufostrigata (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
alboplagiata (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
mediogriseata (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
glabripars (Prout, 1924)Pseudozalissa Bethune-Baker, 1906
bella Bethune-Baker, 1906
Ulotrichopus Wallengren, 1860
dinawa (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
dinava sensu Hampson, 1913 incorrect spellinglongipalpus Joicey & Talbot, 1915
Avatha Walker, [1858]
complens (Walker, 1858)
glaucofascia (Walker, 1858)
stigmata (Moore, 1877)
tripunctata (Pagenstecher, 1888)
dohertyi (Holland, 1900)
onerata (Walker, [1863])
ruinosa (Swinhoe, 1905)
macrostidsa (Hampson, 1913)discolor (Fabricius, 1794)
includens Walker, 1857
trigonifera (Walker, 1858)
curvifera (Walker, 1858)
complacens (Walker, 1858)
frontalis (Walker, 1858)
expectans (Walker, 1858)
thursdayensis (Strand, 1917)
subdiscoloralis (Strand, 1917)
discoloralis (Strand, 1917)
delunaris (Strand, 1917)novoguineana (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
pallidior (Strand, 1917)pratti (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
pulcherrima Butler, 1892
rhynchophora (Prout, 1924) [endemic]
spilota Joicey & Talbot, 1917 [endemic]
subpunctata (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
tepescens Walker, 1858
Cocytia Boisduval, 1828
durvillii Boisduval, 1828
ssp. durvillii Boisduval, 1828Hirsutipes Bethune-Baker, 1906
excisa Hulstaert, 1924
Lasiopoderes Bethune-Baker, 1906
pratti Bethune-Baker, 1906
Ophyx Guenée, 1852
bethunei Holloway, 1984
pratti (Bethune-Baker, 1906 pg. 263) [homonym]chionopasta (Hampson, 1926)
crinipes (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874)
flocculalis (Pagenstecher, 1900)
graphica (Holland, 1900)
trifasciata (Swinhoe, 1905)
intensior (Rothschild, 1915)deformata Holloway, 1984
loxographa (Bethune-Baker, 1908)
meeki (Bethune-Baker, 1908)
pseudoptera (Lower, 1903)
pratti (Bethune-Baker, 1906 pg. 260)
callipepla (Bethune-Baker, 1916)reflexa Holloway, 1984
striata (Hampson, 1926)
Pseudophyx Bethune-Baker, 1906
inextrema Prout, 1926
Serrodes Guenée, 1852
caesia Warren, 1915
ssp. euryplima Prout, 1926
perfusa Warren, 1915campana Guenée, 1852
nigha Guenée, 1852
callipepla Prout, 1929mediopallens Prout, 1924 [endemic]
subumbra (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
Sinariola Bethune-Baker, 1906
owgarra Bethune-Baker, 1906
Anophiodes Hampson, 1913
meeki (Bethune-Baker, 1908)
meeci sensu Hampson, 1913 incorrect spellingErcheia Walker, [1858]
amoena Prout, 1919
scotobathra Prout, 1926cyllaria (Cramer, [1779])
cyllota (Guenée, 1852)
fusifera (Walker, 1858)
signivitta (Walker, 1858)
polychroma (Walker, 1858)
atrivitta (Walker, 1864)
purpureilinea (Walker, 1864)
semipallida (Walker, 1864)
tenebrosa Moore, 1867
gundiana (Felder, 1874)
costipannosa (Moore, 1882)
pannosa Moore, 1883
uniformis Moore, 1883
anvira Swinhoe, 1918dubia (Butler, 1874)
certa Bethune-Baker, 1906ekeikei Bethune-Baker, 1906
eceicei sensu Hampson, 1913 incorrect spellingkebea Bethune-Baker, 1906
cebea sensu Hampson, 1913 incorrect spelling
borneensis Prout, 1919
nigristriata (Warren, 1914)
designata (Warren, 1914)
albirenata Gaede, 1917styx Bethune-Baker, 1906
Erebus Latreille, 1810
crepuscularis (Linnaeus, 1758)
leucotaenia Guenée, 1852
obscura (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
clavifera Hampson, 1913
philippensis Swinhoe, 1918
albicrustata Prout, 1919
meforensis (Prout, 1924)nyctaculis (Snellen, 1880)
aerosa (Swinhoe, 1900)purpurata (Druce, 1888)
aroa (Bethune-Baker, 1908)
Mocis Hübner, [1823]
alterna (Walker, 1858)
nebuligera (Butler, 1886)frugalis (Fabricius, 1775)
lycopodia (Geyer, 1837)
translata (Walker, 1865)
nigripunctata (Warren, 1913)trifasciata (Stephens, 1830)
demonstrans (Walker, 1858)
discrepans (Butler, 1886)Pantydia Guenée, 1858
bicolora (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
klossi (Rothschild, 1915)
metaspila (Walker, 1857)
pallidilinea (Walker, 1858)
moolia (Swinhoe, 1885)
sordida (Butler, 1886)
Anisoneura Guenée, 1852
zeuzeroides Guenée, 1852
papuana Hampson, 1913Entomogramma Guenée, 1852
Ericeia Walker, [1858]
brunneistriga (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
elongata Prout, 1929
fuscipuncta Prout, 1929
nauarchia Prout, 1929
acutangula Roepke, 1932goniosema Hampson, 1922
inangulata Guenée, 1852
optativa (Walker, 1858)
optatura (Walker, 1858)
comitata (Walker, 1865)
umbrosa (Walker, 1869)
intextilia Schultze, 1908
levuensis Prout, 1929
certilinea Prout, 1929rectimargo Prout, 1929
rhanteria Bethune-Baker, 1914
spodiaplaca Bethune-Baker, 1914setosipedes Bethune-Baker, 1914
sobria Walker, [1858]
aliena (Walker, 1858)
pampoecila Bethune-Baker, 1914
euryptera Prout, 1929subcinerea (Snellen, 1880)
Hulodes Guenée, 1852
caranea (Cramer, 1780)
carenea auct. [incorrect spelling]
angulata Prout, 1928donata (Schultze, 1907)
divisa Aurivillius, 1920
hilaris Prout, 1921fusifascia (Walker, 1869)
gravata Prout, 1932
seranensis Prout, 1932ischnethes Prout, 1932
Ischyja Hübner, [1823]
albata (Felder, 1861)
ebusa Swinhoe, 1902
euryleuca Prout, 1932kebeae Bethune-Baker, 1906
manlia (Cramer, 1776)
squalida (Fabricius, 1787)
amboinensis Felder, 1861Lacera Guenée, 1852
asinuosa Holloway, 1979
noctilio (Fabricius, 1794)
capella Guenée, 1852uniformis Holloway, 1979
Megistoclisma Hampson, 1913
ribbei (Pagenstecher, 1886)
Polydesmiola Strand, 1916
gothica (Bethune-Baker, 1908)
niepelti (Strand, 1916)hebraica (Snellen, 1880)
holzi (Pagenstecher, 1884)
cochlearifer (Hulstaert, 1924)Platyja Hübner, 1823
argenteopunctata Bethune-Baker, 1906
cyanocraspis Hampson, 1922
cyanopasta (Turner, 1908)
plagosa Rothschild, 1915porphyrea (Turner, 1904)
pratti Bethune-Baker, 1906porphyrodes Bethune-Baker, 1906
subtracta Zilli & De Vos, 2021
umminia (Cramer, [1780])
subunita (Guenée, 1852)
drepanoides (Walker, 1858)
removens (Walker, 1858)
trajecta (Walker, 1869)
falcata (Felder, 1874)Speiredonia Hübner, [1823]
cthulhui Zilli & Holloway, 2005
mutabilis (Fabricius, 1794)
anops Guenée, 1852obscura (Cramer, 1780)
zamis (Stoll, 1790)
diops (Walker, 1858)
retrahens Walker, 1858
albifascia (Walker, 1865)
conspicua Felder, 1874
sumbana (Swinhoe, 1918)
layardi (Hampson, 1926)
Spirama Guenée, 1852
euphrages (Prout, 1925)
Ommatophora Guenée, 1852
orientalis De Vos, Pavesi & Zilli, 2010
Amphoraceras Bethune-Baker, 1904
rothschildi Bethune-Baker, 1904
jordani Zilli, 2018
Artena Walker, 1858
convergens (Gaede, 1917)
ochrobrunnea Prout, 1919
nicanora Prout, 1919dotata (Fabricius, 1794)
velutina (Prout, 1919)
Buzara Walker, [1865]
chrysomela Walker, [1865]
gestroi (Oberthür, 1880)
eurychrysa (Meyrick, 1889)
pulchrifascia Hulstaert, 1924Grammodes Guenée, 1852
justa Walker, 1858
caeca Pagenstecher, 1900Haemabasis Hampson, 1913
calodesma (Rothschild & Jordan, 1905)
latimargo (Joicey & Talbot, 1915)Hypanua Hampson, 1913
dinawa (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
dinava sensu Hampson, 1913 [incorrect spelling]Isoura Hampson, 1894
pratti Bethune-Baker, 1906
Ophisma Guenée, 1852
gravata Guenée, 1852
pallens (Lucas, 1892)pallescens (Walker, [1863])
violetta (Pagenstecher, 1897)
subplaga (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
intermedia (Prout, 1922)Ophiusa Ochsenheimer, 1816
arfaki (Bethune-Baker, 1910)
arfaci sensu Hampson, 1913 [incorrect spelling]discriminans (Walker, 1858)
pygospila (Snellen, 1880)
intacta (Hampson, 1913)kenricki (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
cenricci sensu Hampson, 1913 [incorrect spelling]sublutea Bethune-Baker, 1906
trapezium (Guenée, 1852)
circumferens (Walker, 1865)
cognata (Walker, 1865)
adusta (Moore, 1882)
prunicolor (Moore, [1885])
kebea Bethune-Baker, 1906Oxyodes Guenée, 1852
scrobiculata (Fabricius, 1775)
vittata (Fabricius, 1775)
clytia (Stoll, 1782)
ochreata Rothschild, 1915Parallelia Hübner, 1818
arctotaenia (Guenée, 1852)
correctata (Walker, 1865)
crenulata Bethune-Baker, 1914hicanora (Turner, 1903)
vulgaris (Bethune-Baker, 1906)infractifinis (Lucas, 1894)
medioalbata (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
lua Strand, 1916 syn. nov.insignifica (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
lageos (Guenée, 1852)
leucogramma Hampson, 1913
lilacea (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
semilunaris Hampson, 1918 status uncertain
senex (Walker, 1858)
acutissima (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
medioobscura Strand, 1914Pindara Moore, [1885]
serratilinea (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
Sympis Guenée, 1852
parkeri Lucas, 1894
rufibasis Guenée, 1852
Thoracolophotos Bethune-Baker, 1906
ekeikei Bethune-Baker, 1906
Thyas Hübner, 1824
coronata (Fabricius, 1775)
leonina (Fabricius, 1775)
ancilla (Fabricius, 1794)
magica (Hübner, 1827)
ponderosa (Mabille, 1879)hituensis (Pagenstecher, 1884)
honesta (Hübner, 1806)
miniacea (Felder, 1874)
regina (Strand, 1914)Trigonodes Guenée, 1852
cephise (Cramer, [1779])
maxima Guenée, 1852
cephisoides (Strand, 1917)
saina (Swinhoe, 1918)hyppasia (Cramer, [1779])
deliana (Stoll, 1790)
anfractuosa (Boisduval, 1833)
acutata Guenée, 1852
exportata Guenée, 1852
inacuta Guenée, 1852
compar Walker, 1858
Pandesma Guenée, 1852
Pericyma Herrich-Schäffer, 1851
cruegeri (Butler, 1886)
alba Hulstaert, 1924
albilinea Hulstaert, 1924
albomarginata Strand, 1917
pallida Hulstaert, 1924
viridefusca Strand, 1917Zethes Rambur, 1833
multilinea Bethune-Baker, 1906
last updated 6 February 2025
Pavesi, F, R. de Vos & A. Zilli, 2010. Revision of the genus Ommatophora Guenée, 1852 with description of four new species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Quadrifina 9: 483-510.
Zahiri, R., I.J. Kitching, J.D. Lafontaine, M. Mutanen, L. Kaila, J.D. Holloway & N. Wahlberg, 2010. A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea
(Lepidoptera). Zoologica Scripta 2010: 1-16.
Zahiri, R., J.D. Holloway, I.J. Kitching, J.D. Lafontaine, M. Mutanen & N. Wahlberg, 2011. Molecular phylogenetics of Erebidae (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea). Systematic Entomology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2011.00607.x.
Zilli, A., 2018. Amphoraceras rothschildi and A. jordani sp. n.: two sibling species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). Fragmenta entomologica 50(2): 77-82.
Zilli, A., J.D. Holloway & W. Hogenes, 2005. An overview of the genus Speiredonia with description of seven new species (Insecta, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Aldrovandia 1: 17-36.
Zilli, A & R. de Vos, 2021. The sumatrana species group of the genus Platyja with descriptions of four new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). Fragmenta entomologica 53(2): 391–410.