The Papua Insects Foundation
Piet Zumkehr teaching about leafminers (Photo: Henk van Mastrigt, 2005)
Support us with protecting the rainforest in Papua
Help local students with their projects
Students in Papua are involved in our projects
For the benefit of the biology students in Papua in general and the nature conservation of their beautiful home land in particular we want to involve the local universities in our projects and activities. Students assist us with inventories, publishing and other research while finishing their study with a scription, lecture or report concerning the insects of Papua. Contributors of The Papua Insects Foundation help the students with information, theoretical and field knowledge. We noticed that they have the ambition and the skills to continue the projects almost independently. This means that our research in future hopefully gradually will be taken over by the local "new" scientists of Papua.
For this help we need your support! Financial possibilities for the students in Papua are very limited. Therefore:
Help local students with their projects
Biology students of the University of Cenderawasih, Waena
Time and money consuming activities
- To collect all the information of Papua insects we need to visit many collections and museums in Europe and further. With these visits expenses are made.
- We have contact with many specialists in the world which provide us with information. In many cases they spend a lot of time to help us and in some cases even travel and make expenses.
- At certain times expeditions are held to still insufficient known or even unexplored areas in Papua. It is obvious that this needs financial support.
- Coordinators and students living and working in Papua need to be financial supported to be able to travel and collect around for their projects. There is already a workgroup active in Papua which was primarily working at Lepidoptera but now - with help from others - is also dealing with all kind of insects. We want to support this workgroup practically and financially.
- New species need to be described in scientific magazines. In many cases these publication cost money because of the production of colour plates and reprints.
- Computers, on which we contain our databases and update the website, now and then need to be replaced.
How can you support us?
Supporting us can be done in different ways:
- Most of all we hope that specialists of insect groups will join us with their own speciality. The contribution with their knowledge is important and can speed up and complete our job to map all Papuan insects and to recognize biodiversity hotspots. You, as a specialist, can help us with providing us of checklists of your insect group, additions or corrections on the already presented lists, pictures and (biological and faunistic) information of the species, and so on. Your group will be under your authorship and responsability. The webmaster will take care of recording and updating your text in the website.
- If you are not in the opportunity to help us with information, there is another way of helping us. You can also support us financially. With donating on our account of the Papua Insects Foundation you help us with continuing our research projects, inventory expeditions, publications and actually protecting the insect fauna and its habitats in Papua Indonesia.
- There is also the possibility to donate € 500,- or more to the foundation and a new insect of your choice will carry your name forever worldwide! A publication will follow in a scientific magazine. Please contact us for the conditions and possibilities.
A large variety of moths and other insects on the screen in Nipsan (Photo: Jaap Zwier, 2005)
If you are interested in supporting us with information, please contact Rob de Vos.
Spontanious gifts are very welcome and can be donated to the Papua Insects Foundation:
IBAN NL 10 INGB 0673660087
The Netherlandsor
with code: monicac@indiummail.com
It is without saying that your money will be spend carefully for the benefit of the Papuan nature preservation, with special interest for the insects. Donations above € 1500,- will be mentioned on this webpage and we will keep the donators informed about the progress in our research and the expenses made.
We thank you in advance for your support.
Until now we were supported by:
- Conservation International, including Conservation International Indonesia.
- The Uyttenboogaart-Eliasen Foundation (of the Dutch Entomological Society), who financialy supported us to visit museums, publish and make some expeditions to Papua Indonesia, which provided us information for this website.
- Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, who supported the digitization project of the Koleksi Serangga Papua (KSP) (former Lepidoptera collection from Henk van Mastrigt) with the donation of a laptop computer.
- Entomology supplies (entomologie-speciaalzaak) Eddie Vermandel, Poorterslaan 118, NL-4561 ZN Hulst, The Netherlands, who supplied without charge the students of the University of Cenderawasih in Waena, Papua with some important entomological equipment, to do research on the insects of Papua.