The Papua Insects Foundation

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Geographic names and coordinates of Papua Indonesia

Some remarks about the gazetteer:

The gazetteer is compiled from small and larger databases from different sources. Most important are the records from the RMNH and KSP collections and the gazetteer from the former National Herbarium in Leiden (The Netherlands, now Naturalis Biodiversity Center) and Allen Allison, Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Hawaii, USA). In many cases coordinates from different sources for the same localities may differ. In those cases we kept both records in the database, realizing that there must be quite some double records.

Some coordinates are in DECIMAL numbers instead of minutes and seconds! Decimal numbers are recognized by the many figures behind the COMMA. Coordinates with minutes are recognized by the degree symbol and a maximum of two figures behind that symbol, like 130°47.

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The information is free to use. In case of use for publication we appreciate a reference ("Papua Insects Foundation") of this source in your publication and a notification to us of your publication.


databases last update on 18th April 2018