The Papua Insects Foundation
The Swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae, Papilioninae) of Papua Indonesia
by Jan Moonen
Troides (Troides) oblongomaculatus (Goeze, 1779)
ssp. papuensis Wallace, 1865
ilonae Schäffler, 1999** In 1999 Schäffler has described specimens from Yapen as ssp. ilonae, but their characteristics are within the variation range of ssp. papuensis. So ilonae is a junior synonym of papuensis, as Matsuka (2001) has stated too.
STATUS: A common species, especially in coastal areas.
PAPUA LOCALITIES: Misool Island; Kofiau Island; Batanta Island; Salawati Island; Japen Island, Supiori Island, Biak Island; Karas Island, Hariti Island; Mambor Island; Mowirin Island; New Guinea: Akimuga, Babo, Barapasi, Fakafuru, Fakfak, Kobakma, Kokas, Manokwari, Marina Valen, Memti (Arfak), Merauke, Nabire, Napan, Ransiki, Sarmi, Timika, Wamena, Wapoga, Warkapi, Wasior. Details in gazetteer.
EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Widely distributed in six subspecies from the islands near Sulawesi: Selayar, Buton, Sula Archipelago, through the Central Moluccan Islands, Buru, Ambon, Seram, Banda, Gorong, to the eastern part of Papua New Guinea.
DATA SOURCES: KSP, ZMAN. Literature (see below).
last updated on 25th September 2014
Collins, N.M. & M.G. Morris, 1985. Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World. The IUCN Red Data Book. vii + 401 pp + 8 pls. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, U.K.
D'Abrera, B., 1971. Butterflies of the Australian Region. Lansdowne Press Pty Ltd, Melbourne: 415 pp.
D'Abrera, B., 1975. Birdwing Butterflies of the World. Lansdowne Press Pty Ltd, Melbourne: 260 pp.
Haugum, J. & A.M.Low, 1983. A Monograph of the Birdwing Butterflies. Vol.2, Part 3. Troides, helena & aeacus groups. 2(3):1-8;241-355, ill. Klampenborg, Denmark, Scandianavian Science Press.
Igarashi, S., 1979. Papilionidae and their early stages. (in Japanese) Vol.I Text:1-218, ill. Vol.II Plates color:1-223; bl/w:1-32; bl/w:1-102 (foodplants) Kodansha, Tokyo.
Jordan, K., 1908-1910. Papilionidae, Papilio bis Armandia. in Seitz: Großschmetterlinge der Erde. Die Indo-Australische Tagfalter. IX:11-109,112; Pls.1-49.
Matsuka, H., 2001. Natural History of Birdwing Butterflies. Tokyo.
Parsons, M.J., 1996. Gondwana Evolution of the Troidine Swallowtails (Lep.: Pap.): Cladistic Reappraisals Using Mainly Immature Stage Characters, with Focus on the Birdwings Ornithoptera Boisduval. Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist. 15:43-118.
Parsons, M., 1998. The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea. Their Systematics and Biology. Academic Press. San Diego, etc.
Rothschild, W., 1895. A Revision of the Papilios of the eastern Hemisphere, exclusive of Africa. Nov. Zool. II(3):167-463. pl.4