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The Tigermoths (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini) of Papua Indonesia

by Rob de Vos

Orieosia stenoptera De Vos, 2022

[Lambula stenoptera De Vos, 2022] [holotype: Warmare Dua, Arfak Mts, Papua Barat, Indonesia, in RMNH]






STATUS: Widely distributed in New Guinea, with a wide gap in the centre of the island New Guinea. A common species, but males are still unknown.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: New Guinea: Maripi, Warmare Dua. Details in gazetteer.

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Papua New Guinea, Karkar Island.

DATA SOURCES: BMNH, RMNH. Literature (see below).







De Vos, R., 2022. The genus Orieosia Bucsek, 2012 also found in New Guinea, with description of two new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini. Zootaxa 5188(2): 179-188.