The Papua Insects Foundation
The Hawkmoths (SPHINGIDAE, Sphinginae) of Papua Indonesia
by Willem Hogenes
Acherontia lachesis (Fabricius, 1798)[Sphinx lachesis Fabricius, 1798] (type (TL: "India orientali") not located)
STATUS: A rather common species in Indo-Australia but in New Guinea much less abundant.
PAPUA LOCALITIES: Supiori: Korido, Nansfori; New Guinea: Abmisibil, Genyem, Langda, Mabilabol, Mokwam, Prafi, Senopi, Sentani, Taja Rifi, Walmak (Nipsan), Wamena, Yahukimo (Nipsan), Yuruf (Keerom River). Details in gazetteer.
EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Indo-Australia, Japan, China, Hawaii.
DATA SOURCES: KSP, RMNH. Literature (see below)
Gorbunov, O.G. & A.N. Zamesov, 2014b. To the knowledge of Macroheterocera of Southeast Asia and New Guinea. II. Hawk moths (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) of Papua Province, Indonesia. Biodiversity, Biogeography and Nature Conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea 2: 167-185.