The Papua Insects Foundation
The Swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae, Papilioninae) of Papua Indonesia
by Jan Moonen
Graphium (Graphium) wallacei (Hewitson, 1858)
ssp. wallacei (Hewitson, 1858)
references and synonymy:
Papilio wallacei Hewitson, 1858: (New Guinea); C.& R. Felder, 1864; Kirsch, 1877 (Mysore [= Schouten Islands (Biak and Supiori)] (Kordo & Maweji), New Guinea); Rothschild, 1895 (Aru, Waigeu, New Guinea)
Papilio wallacei wallacei: Jordan, 1909 (Aru, Waigeo, New Guinea)
Graphium wallacei wallacei: D'Abrera,1971 (Aru, Misool, Salawati, Waigeo, Islands of Geelvink Bay, New Guinea); Parsons, 1998 (Aru, New Guinea)Graphium wallacei belongs with G. browni (Bismarck Archipelago) and G.hicetaon (Solomon Islands) to the wallacei-subgroup of the agamemnon-group of Graphium (Saigusa et al., 1982).
fig. 1 Graphium wallacei wallacei (male, a. upperside, b. underside), Dutch New Guinea (RMNH)
fig. 2 Graphium wallacei wallacei (male, a. upperside, b. underside), New Guinea (RMNH)
fig. 3 Graphium wallacei wallacei (male, a. upperside, b. underside), New Guinea (RMNH)
fig. 4 Graphium wallacei wallacei (female, a. upperside, b. underside), Northwest New Guinea (RMNH)
STATUS: The species is not common in Papua (Henk van Mastrigt, The caterpillar feeds on Annona muricata (soursop, sirsak), Annonaceae.
PAPUA LOCALITIES: Waigeo; Misool; Salawati; Supiori: Korido; Biak; Japen: Waropen; New Guinea: Andai, Jayapura, Kobakma, Miei (Wandammen), Mimika. Details in gazetteer.
EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: ssp. rubrosignatus: N. Moluccas, Obi Island; ssp. wallacei: Aru Islands. Papua New Guinea.
DATA SOURCES: KSP, RMNH. Literature (see below).
Collins, N.M. & M.G. Morris, 1985. Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World. The IUCN Red Data Book. vii + 401 pp + 8 pls. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, U.K.
D'Abrera, B., 1971. Butterflies of the Australian Region. Lansdowne Press Pty Ltd, Melbourne: 415 pp.
Daawia & Supeni Sufaati, 2007. Survey on food plants of larvae and butterflies of the Papilionidae at the Reserve Cyclops Mountains. Suara Serangga Papua ed. III Jan-March 2007.
Hancock, D.L., 1983. Classification of the Papilionidae (LEP.): a phylogenetic approach. Smithersia 2: 1-48.
Hewitson, 1852-1877. Illustrations of new species of exotic Butterflies, selected chiefly from the Collections of W. Wilson Saunders and William C.Hewitson. London, Van Voorst 4 to 5 volumes, 100 parts, pages unnumbered, 300 pls. P.wallacei Ill. exot. Butts. 1858 2: Pap. pl. 3, f 7
Jordan, K., 1908-1910. Papilionidae, Papilio bis Armandia. in Seitz: Großschmetterlinge der Erde. Die Indo-Australische Tagfalter. IX:11-109,112; Pls.1-49.
Mastrigt, H. van & E. Rosariyanto, 2005. Kupu Kupu, Untuk Wilayah, Mamberamo Sampai, Peg. Cyclops. Conservation International Indonesia.
Munroe, E., 1961. The Classification of the Papilionidae (Lep.). The Canadian Entomologist suppl.17:1-51.
Parsons, M., 1998. The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea. Their Systematics and Biology. Academic Press. San Diego, etc.
Rothschild, W., 1895. A Revision of the Papilios of the eastern Hemisphere, exclusive of Africa. Novitates Zoologicae II(3):167-463. pl.4
Saigusa, T. et al., 1982. Phylogeny and Geographical Distribution of the Swallow-Tail Subgenus Graphium (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Entomologia Generalis 8(1): 59-69.