The Papua Insects Foundation

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The Chloephorinae, Sarrothripini (Lepidoptera: Nolidae) of Papua Indonesia

by Rob de Vos


Giaura tortricoides (Walker, [1866])

basigerella (Walker, 1866)
curvilinea (Snellen, 1879)
unilineata (Bethune-Baker, 1906)
borneonis Gaede, 1937
ura Gaede, 1937






STATUS: Widely distributed in the Indo-Australian region. In Papua a rare species.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: New Guinea: Mt. Goliath (Gn. Yamin), Mokwam, Upper Setekwa River, Syoubri, Utakwa River. Details in gazetteer.

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Sri Lanka, Okinawa (Japan), Andaman Islands, Borneo, Sumatra, Flores, Sulawesi, Tenimber, Papua New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Queensland (Australia).

DATA SOURCES: BMNH, Remco Hofland. Literature: Holloway, 2003. (see below)







Holloway, J.D., 2003. Moths of Borneo, Nolidae: 279 pp.