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The Chloephorinae, Ariolicini (Lepidoptera: Nolidae) of Papua Indonesia


by Rob de Vos



Ariola coelisigna Walker, [1858]






STATUS: A widely distributed species. In Papua a local species.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: Waigeo Island: Camp Nok; New Guinea: Depapre, Mokwam, Sibil, Sinimburu. Details in gazetteer.

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Himalaya, S. China, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, east to Queensland and the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea.

DATA SOURCES: BMNH, RMNH, ZMAN. Literature: Holloway, 2003.







Holloway, J.D., 2003. Moths of Borneo, Nolidae: 279 pp.