The Papua Insects Foundation

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The Blues (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae, Lycaeninae) of Papua Indonesia

by Stefan Schröder



Hypolycaena erylus (Godart, 1824)

ssp. figulus Fruhstorfer, 1912






STATUS: A common species. Widely distributed in de Indo-Australian region in many subspecies.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: Waigeo Island; Batanta Island; Supiori Island; New Guinea: Duebei (Arfak Mts.), Fakfak, Humboldt Bay, Jayapura, Kaimana, Manokwari, Merdei, Nabire, Sorong, Wandammen Peninsula. Details in gazetteer.

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: From India to Papua New Guinea.

DATA SOURCES: KSP. Literature (see below).






Parson, M., 1999. The butterflies of Papua New Guinea. Their systematics and biology: 736 pp., Academic Press, London.