The Papua Insects Foundation
The Blues (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae, Lycaeninae) of Papua Indonesia
by Stefan Schröder
Arhopala herculina Staudinger, 1888
leontodamus Toxopeus, 1930
phalaereus Fruhstorfer, 1914
STATUS: A common species. In many cases, A. herculina is mistaken for the closely related, sympatric A. leo Druce, 1894. Parsons has pointed out that, in specimens from P.N.G., the underside postmedian bands in herculina are much broader and may be irregular. This is not the case in West Papua, and especially specimens from Waigeo have very broad postmedian bands. Females are completely brown on the upperside, without any blue.
PAPUA LOCALITIES: Japen Island: Waropen; New Guinea: Jayapura, Mappi, Mimika, Nabire, Sarmi, Sorong, Wandammen Peninsula. Details in gazetteer.
EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Halmahera, Gebe Island, Papua New Guinea.
DATA SOURCES: KSP. Literature (see below).
Parsons, M., 1999. The butterflies of Papua New Guinea. Their systematics and biology: 736 pp., Academic Press, London.