The Papua Insects Foundation
The Ghost Moths (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) of Papua Indonesia
by Rob de Vos
Oxycanus tamsi Tindale, 1955
[Oxycanus tamsi Tindale, 1955] (TL: Mt. Goliath; type: BMNH)
endemic species
This variable species is nevertheless rather easy to distinguish from other Oxycanus species by its large size and stretched forewings with rather sharp apex. The male genitalia are depicted in the left figure.
STATUS: A common species. Seems restricted to the eastern part of Papua in mountainous areas.
PAPUA LOCALITIES: New Guinea: Araucaria Camp, Dojo, Mt. Goliath (Gn.Yamin), Rattan Camp, Sigi Camp, Walmak. Details in gazetteer.
DATA SOURCES: BMNH, RMNH, ZMAN. Literature (see below).
Nielsen, E.S., G.S. Robinson & D.L. Wagner, 2000. Ghost-moths of the world: a global inventory and bibliography of the Exoporia (Mnesarchaeoidea and Hepialoidea) (Lepidoptera). Journal of Natural History 34: 823–878.
Tindale, N.B., 1955. Revision of the ghost moths (Lepidoptera Homoneura, Family Hepialidae). Part VI. Records of the South Australian Museum 11(4): 307-344.