The Papua Insects Foundation

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The Ennominae (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of Papua Indonesia

by Rob de Vos


Craspedosis aurigutta Warren, 1902

longigutta Prout, 1916







STATUS: A very common species in Papua. It is mainly found at higher altitudes, so its distribution follows the mountain ranges. The species is rather variable in extension of the orange pattern. In extreme forms there may be more areas on the wing orange patterned than just the central disc (see picture above). Western populations are considered to belong to subspecies longigutta Prout, 1916 but this cannot hold since there is a wide range of variation, especially in the females. We therefore consider longigutta to be no more than a form.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: New Guinea: Abmisibil, Anggi Lakes, Araboebivak, Batimban, Borme, Demaisi, Ditschi (Arfak), Dohunsehik, Dotir River, Mt. Goliath, Ilaga, Jiwika, Kigonmedip (Star Mts), Kikmai (Star Mts), Mt. Kunupi, Langda, Mabilabol, Menoo Valley, Miei, Mokwam, Ninay Valley, Nomnagihé, Ok Tenma, Paniai, Pass Valley, Resi Mts, Rime Telyi (Star Mts), Sibil, Mt. Siwi (Arfak), Syoubri, Timeepa, Tubeya (Arfak), Utakwa River, Walait (Baliem Valley), Walmak, Wangaar, Warkapi, Wosi. Details in gazetteer.


DATA SOURCES: BMNH, KSP, RMNH, Sandra Lamberts, Joop Schaffers, Siep Sinnema, Kristof Zyskowski.