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The Tigermoths (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini) of Papua Indonesia

by Rob de Vos

Lambula agraphia Hampson, 1900






STATUS: A rare species which is widely distributed through New Guinea. In the Indonesian part known from two localities.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: New Guinea: Dotir river(Wandammen), Kouh. Details in gazetteer.

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Papua New Guinea, Goodenough Island.

DATA SOURCES: NHMUK, RMNH. Literature (see below).







De Vos, R. & A. Zilli, 2023. The "plain underwing" Lambula species from New Guinea with ten new species (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini). SUGAPA digital 15(1): 8-61.