The Papua Insects Foundation

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The Leafhoppers (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha) of Papua Indonesia

by Carl Schulz



Thumbnail gallery

(click to enlarge pictures)

go to Fulgoridae, Flatidae

Birdantis bloetei
Birdantis dorsinigra
Birdantis enyo
Birdantis lineatifrons
Birdantis obscura
Birdantis similis
Bloeteanella translucida
Hariola tiarata
Neolieftinckana fuscata
Saramel araxes
Saramel toxopeusi
Ulasia magica
Ulasia saundersi
Atracis pyralis
Colgar asperum
Colgar asperum
Colgar bespectum
Colgar chlorospilum
Colgar elatum
Colgar elatum
Colgar elatum
Colgar ligorum
Colgar orisum
Neocromna bistriguttata
Neocromna hastifera
Neocromna hastifera
Neodaksha agrossa
Neodaksha mirana
Neosephena novara
Neosephena novara
Papuanella despecta
Papuanella mutior
Papuanella papija
Sephena conforma
Sephena dulena
Sephena guttifera
Sephena nivosa
Taparella amata
Taparella amata
Taparella amata
Taparella ambigua
Taparella delicata
Taparella doryca
Taparella minima
Utakwana rubromaculata



updated on 1st September 2012