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The Swallowtail Moths (URANIIDAE, Uraniinae) of Papua Indonesia

by Siep and Jannie Sinnema


Alcides aruus (Felder, 1874)





STATUS: A common species. Distinguished from the similar agathyrsus by the broader blue band on the hindwing, which is sharply edged, and the extended blue pattern near the tail. The blue is paler than in agathyrsus.

PAPUA LOCALITIES: Misool Island; New Guinea: Ampas, Batoe, Beaufort Bivak, Dotir, Etna Bay, Fakfak, Meni, Momi, Prauwenbivak, Sawarawara, Sibil, Snow Mountains, Upper Setekwa River, Utakwa River, Werba, Windesi. Details in gazetteer.

EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION: Aru Islands, Papua New Guinea.

DATA SOURCES: BMNH, KSP, RMNH, literature (see below)








Seitz, A, 1934. Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde 10: Spinner und Schwarmer des Indo-Australischen Gebiets, Uraniidae: 93-96. A. Kernen, Stuttgart.