The Papua Insects Foundation

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The Ichneumon Wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) of Papua Indonesia

by Alexey Reshchikov

The author attracting Ichneumonids in a much colder climate (Himalaya in Nepal) than in Papua


Listed Papua species: 214 [73 endemic species]


tribus Ephialtini

Acrodactyla Haliday, 1838

aequaria Momoi, 1966 [endemic]

Camptotypus Kriechbaumer, 1889

basalis (Cameron, 1911)

bicolor Kriechbaumer, 1889

sellatus Kriechbaumer, 1889

stigmaticus (Kirby, 1884)

Eriostethus Morley, 1914

nigropictus Baltazar, 1964 [endemic]

Sericopimpla Kriechbaumer, 1895

indra Gupta & Tikar, 1976 [endemic]

Zaglyptus Förster, 1869

grandis Gupta, 1961 [endemic]


tribus Pimplini

Echthromorpha Holmgren, 1868

agrestoria (Swederus, 1787)

inimica (Smith, 1863) [endemic]

Nomosphecia Gupta, 1962

limbata (Krieger, 1906) [endemic]

macrodus (Krieger, 1906)

Parema Gupta, 1962

penetrans (Smith, 1858)

sulcata (Krieger, 1906)

Pimpla Fabricius, 1804

rasilis (Momoi, 1973)

Theronia Holmgren, 1859

atralaris Gupta, 1962 [endemic]

destructor (Smith, 1863)

dimidia Gupta, 1962 [endemic]

Xanthopimpla Saussure, 1892

amphimelaena Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

arealis Krieger, 1899

australis Krieger, 1899

bitaeniata Townes & Chiu, 1970

cacerymna Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

cheesmanae Townes & Chiu, 1970

crassipes (Brullé, 1846)

ecaudata Krieger, 1899

femoralis Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

flavolineata Cameron, 1907

fortis Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

interceptor (Smith, 1865) [endemic]

leptosoma Townes & Chiu, 1970

longispina Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

micracantha Townes & Chiu, 1970

myosotis Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

nigrifemur Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

nigripectus Townes & Chiu, 1970

ochracea (Smith, 1858)

ornatipennis Cameron, 1911

pubidorsis Townes & Chiu, 1970

punctulata Townes & Chiu, 1970

rupes Townes & Chiu, 1970

scamba Townes & Chiu, 1970

spatula Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

splendens Krieger, 1899

summervillei (Girault, 1926)

thrinax Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

toxopei Townes & Chiu, 1970 [endemic]

trachypleuris Townes & Chiu, 1970

trifasciata (Smith, 1865)

triquetra Townes & Chiu, 1970

varivittata Cameron, 1911



Epirhyssa Cresson, 1865

biroi Mocsáry, 1905

flavopicta (Smith, 1858)

Lytarmes Cameron, 1899

fasciatus (Smith, 1860)

Myllenyxis Baltazar, 1961

bernsteinii (Vollenhoven, 1879)

bicolor Kamath & Gupta, 1972 [endemic]

oceanica (Mocsáry, 1905)


tribus Labenini

Certonotus Kriechbaumer, 1889

flaviceps (Vollenhoven, 1879)

lorentzi Cameron, 1911 [endemic]

rufipes Cameron, 1911 [endemic]

rufus Mocsáry, 1905 [endemic]

seminiger Krieger, 1901

vestigator (Smith, 1858)


Xorides Latreille, 1809

smithi (Schmiedeknecht, 1907)



tribus Anomalonini

Anomalon Panzer, 1804

morleyi Gauld, 1976

tribus Gravenhorstiini

Agrypon Förster, 1860

ambomum Gauld, 1978

apistum Gauld, 1978

augrhantum Gauld, 1978

caliginosum (Tosquinet, 1903)

rhamphidum Gauld, 1978

Aphanistes Förster, 1869

dnopherus Gauld, 1978 [endemic]

luscus Gauld, 1978

nexus Gauld, 1978 [endemic]

sedlaceki Gauld, 1978

variicolor (Morley, 1913)

Heteropelma Wesmael, 1849

hirsutum Gauld, 1978 [endemic]

Perisphincter Townes, 1961

toxeres Gauld, 1978

Trichomma Wesmael, 1849

clavipes Krieger, 1904



Venturia Schrottky, 1902

dilatata (Cameron, 1907) [endemic]



tribus Cryptini

Ceratocryptus Cameron, 1903

graciliventris (Cameron, 1911)

Cremnocryptus Cushman, 1945

arrogans (Smith, 1865)

Goryphus Holmgren, 1868

albopictus (Smith, 1859)

bivaki Jonathan & Gupta, 1973 [endemic]

Gotra Cameron, 1902

punctulata Cheesman, 1936 [endemic]

striatipleuris (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]

Iaria Cheesman, 1936

interstitialis (Cameron, 1907)

Irabatha Cameron, 1906

agilis (Smith, 1858)

albispina Cameron, 1906

filicornis (Szépligeti, 1916)

pulcherrima (Smith, 1863)

Lorio Cheesman, 1936

austerus (Tosquinet, 1903)

tanyopus (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]

Nematopodius Gravenhorst, 1829
Sg. Diapetus Cameron, 1902

nigricornis (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]

Silsila Cameron, 1903

pulchripes (Cameron, 1911)

Skeatia Cameron, 1901

elegantula (Brullé, 1846)

melanostoma (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]

Stiromesostenus Cameron, 1911

xanthostomus Cameron, 1911 [endemic]

Thelodon Townes, 1961

albopictus (Smith, 1858)

Wuda Cheesman, 1936

balteata (Cameron, 1913) [endemic]

megaspilus (Cameron, 1911)

singularis Cheesman, 1936

tibialis (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]

Xanthocryptus Cameron, 1901

flavomaculatus (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]

immixtum Cheesman, 1936 [endemic]

nigricollis Cameron, 1911 [endemic]

spilonotus Cameron, 1911 [endemic]

tosquineti (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]

unicarinatus (Cameron, 1907) [endemic]

vesiculosus (Brullé, 1846)

tribus Hemigasterini

Mansa Tosquinet, 1896

sicarius (Smith, 1860)

volatilis (Smith, 1863)


tribus Phygadeuontini

Chrysocryptus Cameron, 1902

pilosellus (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]



Diplazon Nees, 1819

laetatorius (Fabricius, 1781)

novoguineensis Momoi & Nakanishi, 1968



Stirexephanes Cameron, 1912

triangulifer (Cameron, 1911) [endemic]



Enicospilus Stephens, 1835

aequalis (Szépligeti, 1906)

alipherus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

amasus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

ancilospilus Cameron, 1911 [endemic]

apollyon Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

arenus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

argus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

attis Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

baduri Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

baeus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

bensoni Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

bharatensis Nikam, 1980

boleti Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

brandti Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

caenospilus Cameron, 1911

castor Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

cheesmaniellae Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

cingulatus (Szépligeti, 1906)

comes Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

corvinus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

cybele Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

diotimus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

dnopherus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

dolosus (Tosquinet, 1896)

dryas Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

enormous Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

evadne Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

fallax Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

flavocephalus (Kirby, 1900)

geus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

heliothidis Viereck, 1913

hemiphaeus Townes, Townes & Gupta, 1961

hercyni Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

hospes Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

incubus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

iphias Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

isolde Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

javanus (Szépligeti, 1910)

jynx Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

kanshirensis (Uchida, 1928)

laridus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

lineolatus (Roman, 1913)

litae Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

maurus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

melanocarpus Cameron, 1905

merulus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

morobe Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

muluensis Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

muscus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

nothofagus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

novoguineensis (Szépligeti, 1906)

ofellus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

olthofi Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

opheltes Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

orestes Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

orgilus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

paniscus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

parabatus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

phaolus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

pseudantennatus Gauld, 1977

rechingeri (Kohl, 1908)

runicus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

sambucus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

serphus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

shanahani Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

sofroni Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

sotadus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

spathius Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

stimulator (Smith, 1865)

stygius Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

suttoni Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

taberi Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

thetis Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

toxopeus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

tristus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

vicious Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

vittator (Smith, 1860)

vollenhoveni (Taschenberg, 1875)

waigeui Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

wanius Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

waui Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

xuthus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

yonezawanus (Uchida, 1928)

ypsilon Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

zemiotes Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

Leptophion Cameron, 1901

cheesmanae Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

eithos Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

gobius Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

longicornis (Szépligeti, 1905)

longiventris Cameron, 1901

magus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

nodus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

orientalis (Morley, 1912)

quorus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

vernalis Gauld & Mitchell, 1981 [endemic]

Ophion Fabricius, 1798

cronus Gauld & Mitchell, 1981

Stauropoctonus Brauns, 1889

torresi Gauld, 1977

Xylophion Gauld, 1979

xylus (Gauld, 1977)

Last updated on 21st February 2011