August 2008
other issues of our Newsletter:
March 2009 - November 2009 - October 2010 - December 2011
The Papua Insects Foundation
The latest news on the Papua Insects Foundation and the website
Rob de Vos
It has been a while since you received a newsletter from us. This doesn't mean that we just layed down and let things be. On the contrary, many things have been changed or added and new developments are going on.
In this newsletter we want to inform you about these developments and changes. If you have any questions or comments on this, please contact us. Note that the e-mail address of the secretary ( and the treasurer ( have been changed.
Expansion of the board of the foundation
The board of the Papua Insects Foundation originally was represented by three people: Ir. Piet J. Zumkehr (chairman), Drs. Rob de Vos (secretary) and Gerrit Withaar (treasurer). To have a broader perspective in the future and to be able to divide tasks in our growing organisation we decided to expand our board with two more people.
Vincent Kalkman works for the European Invertebrate Survey at the National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis, Leiden. He is specialized in Asian odonates, is chair of the IUCN Dragonfly Specialist Group and is currently focusing on the Papuan dragonfly fauna. Vincent is a member of the board of the foundation.
Henk van Mastrigt is a brother of the Franciscan Mission in Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. First of all he is a Lepidoptera collector who specialized himself in the genus Delias (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) of New Guinea. Henk publishes about his specialization and has an important collection of local Lepidoptera. Henk is a member of the board of the foundation.
SUGAPA, a new entomological journal
You may have noticed the announcement already on our website of a new journal on Papua insects: SUGAPA (note the cover of the magazine on top of this page). It is a continuation of the newsletter "SUGAPA" of the Kelompok Entomologi Papua (KEP) which started in July 2006 and since then published 8 issues on the activities of the members of KEP, a group of enthousiast Papuan biology students and teachers of the Cenderawasih University (UNCEN), with Henk van Mastrigt as guide and teacher. Initially the language in the newsletter was Bahasa Indonesia, which was a problem for most interested scientist. The Papua Insects Foundation therefore presented English translated abstracts on the website.
The new magazine SUGAPA will focus on international scientists and deal with subjects on Papuan insects. The text will be mostly in English (about 25 % will be in Bahasa Indonesia). For a subscription or more info please have a look at our book corner.
The editors of SUGAPA appeal for entomologists to contribute in their journal, so if you have manuscripts (almost) ready on Papuan insects and want to publish in SUGAPA, please contact the editorial board of SUGAPA.
We like to emphasize that SUGAPA is a registered journal (ISSN 1978-9807) and independently founded by KEP, but it is obvious that the Papua Insects Foundation fully supports this initiative with what we can.
Visit to Papua in October 2008
Apart from the treasurer Gerrit Withaar, the full board of the Papua Insects Foundation will pay a visit to Papua again in October this year. The purpose of our visit is mainly to do some preparations for future surveys, to work in the collection of Henk van Mastrigt in Jayapura and to refresh the contacts with the students and teachers of UNCEN.
We have contact with Conservation International and hope to make some agreements for a cooperation in future expeditions.
News on the website
On the homepage you'll find a new red button,
. This will bring you to a page with a list of new items or important additions to the website and some important relevant news flashes picked up from the media.
The new items will be mentioned for about half a year in this list and are linked to the actual pages. Regularly checking the "what's new" list keeps you informed about the developments in the website.
The presented list at the moment is as shown below:
- SUGAPA, a new journal on the insects of Papua Indonesia!
- Kelompok Serangga Papua: Abstracts of Volume VIII
- Insect pages:
- Coleoptera: Carabidae (Martin Baehr) Now with many linked photographs!
- Coleoptera: Curculionoidea, Anthribidae (from: Gregory P. Setliff)
- Hemiptera: Heteroptera, Miridae (Katrina Menard) New!!
- Hymenoptera:Hymenoptera, Apidae: Meliponini (Claus Rasmussen) New!!
- Lepidoptera: Drepanidae (Peter Mackey)
- Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae (Henk van Mastrigt) New!!
- Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae (Peter MacKey)
- Lepidoptera: Papilionidae, the first species pages (Jan Moonen)
- Lepidoptera: Thyatiridae (edited from Laszlo et al, 2007)
- Lepidoptera: Noctuidae (Cocytiinae and Eucocytiinae) (Alberto Zilli)
- Lepidoptera: Noctuidae (Plusiinae) (Laszlo Ronkay)
- Odonata: pictures of species (linked in the species list) (Vincent Kalkman)
Next to come are comprehensive lists of Curculionoidea (Coleoptera), Noctuidae (Catocalinae, Agaristinae), Geometridae and many others.
We are also thinking of presenting pages on the vegetation and climate/weather in Papua. We have many pictures of beautiful plants and flowers and maybe these can be shown in some way. Is there anyone who is able and willing to contribute to these pages? Please contact us if you want to help us with this.
Appeal for more information on other insect groups
At the moment we have contact with about 47 entomologists in the world who more or less contribute to our website or promissed to do so. We would appreciate your cooperation to provide us of information and checklists of your specialism concerning New Guinea in general or Papua Indonesia in particular. If you know of some other specialists who potentially could be interested to contribute to our website, please let him/her know of us or inform us.
We rely on you!