The Papua Insects Foundation
The Tigermoths (Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini) of Papua Indonesia
by Rob de Vos
Lambula laniafera Hampson, 1900
[Lambula laniafera Hampson, 1900] [holotype: Kapaur [= Fakfak], Papua Barat, Indonesia, in BMNH]
STATUS: Very similar to Lambula aroa but with a straight fascia instead of an angled one and the direction of the fascia is different. A common species.
PAPUA LOCALITIES: New Guinea: Andai, Brazza River, Fakfak, Humboldt Bay, Lagari (Samabusa), Gn. Meja Reserve, Ngat Biep, Sentani, Setekwa River, Tandia, Utakwa River, Werba. Details in gazetteer.
DATA SOURCES: NHMUK, CMWM, RMNH, ZSMC. Literature (see below).
De Vos, R. & A. Zilli, 2023. The "plain underwing" Lambula species from New Guinea with ten new species (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini). SUGAPA digital 15(1): 8-61.
Draudt, M., 1914. In: Seitz, A. Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde 10: Spinner und Schwarmer des Indo-Australischen Gebiets, Arctiidae: 134-223. A. Kernen, Stuttgart.
Hampson, G.F., 1900. Catalogus Lepidoptera Phalaenae 2. Catalogue of the Arctiadae (Nolinae, Lithosianae) in the collection of the British Museum: 589 pp. British Museum, London
Hampson, G.F., 1914. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalaenae. Supplement, volume 1. Catalogue of the Amatidae and Arctiadae (Nolinae and Lithosianae) in the collection of the British Museum: 858 pp. British Museum, London.
Rothschild, L.W., 1915. Lepidoptera of the British Ornithologists' Union and Wollaston Expeditions in the Snow Mountains, Southern Dutch New Guinea, Macrolepidoptera: 148 pp. Zoological Museum, Tring.
Strand, E., 1922. Lepidopterorum Catalogus 26: Arctiidae: Subfam. Lithosiinae: 501-899. W. Junk, Berlin.